
Hi cats and cat alike!
We're excited to announce that MadCat Brewery is launching a second round of loyalty share sales.
Three years ago, you guys surprised us in the first round. Despite the tough covid times, you have been incredibly supportive! Thanks to you, we have increased our CK tank count, significantly increasing our brewery's production capacity.
And now we have a second round in which we're giving away nearly two thousand loyalty shares. Become a co-owner of one of the most respected craft breweries in the country.
As in the last round, anyone from the Czech Republic can become a shareholder. The sale of shares is done via the form located here. The number of shares you buy is up to you - you become a co-owner of our brewery after buying even one share.
After filling out the form and paying, you will either pick up your shares in person or have them delivered by courier.
And so you become part of our cat pack and enjoy the benefits that come with being a co-owner of the brewery.
MadCat Team
Our brewery address:
Kamenice 299,
Kamenice u Jihlavy, 588 23
Company name and billing information:
Madcat.beer a.s.
Kamenice 299
Kamenice u Jihlavy, 58823
IČ: 29267978
DIČ: CZ29267978
Brewery contacts:
Commercial representatives:
+420 608 625 600
+420 775 515 503